Letter from the Publisher

Dear Readers:

Is it even possible that it’s time to say goodbye to another summer? There’s just one problem: I’m not ready. We’ve been so fortunate this summer with so many gorgeous, sun-drenched days when the blue skies appear to go on forever. That, combined with the many cool, comfortable nights. The Summer of 2022 will no doubt go in the books as a beauty. Although the calendar will soon signal the official end of summer here at the Jersey Shore, our “Endless Summer” is just another reason why Sea Isle City is a great place to live or just relax. Throughout September and well into October, we normally have continued great weather, and the bay and ocean still stay warm.

I do need to take this opportunity to thank you, our readers, for another great season. We realize that your time is valuable and sincerely appreciate the fact that you have chosen to spend some of that time reading and enjoying the Sea Isle Times. So, yes, thanks to you and to the many advertisers who make it possible for the Times to have the largest print circulation of any publication in Sea Isle City. Thanks, too, for supporting the many local businesses in town which, like the Times, help to support your neighbors and their families.

Our final issue for 2022 is jam-packed with lots of great reading: Kelly McCarthy explores the Hallmark of Excellence upheld for nearly 60 years by Dalrymple’s, a Sea Isle City tradition on JFK. And speaking of traditions, that’s just what lifeguarding is along the Jersey Shore. But it almost didn’t happen back in 1945 because of World War II. Until three kids from Fish Alley saved the day. Joe LaRosa tells the whole story. And keeping with the theme of saving lives, Dave Bontempo will tell you about a SIC lifeguard who jumped in to save a life far from the beach.

Dan Skeldon is the much-loved meteorologist from NBC40. In this issue, Dan takes a stab at predicting the remainder of our ’22 hurricane season. You’ll want to read what he has to say.

Plus, all of the other features you’ve come to expect in each issue, especially our exclusive calendar of events. It’s your go-to guide from now through the holidays of where to go and what to do here in Sea Isle City. And if you’re heading back to school, you can’t miss our Must Haves section featuring what you must have to go back to school or work.

Settle back and take your time with this issue of the Times because you won’t want to miss a single page. For us, although it’s goodbye for our print issues until next spring, don’t forget to “like” our Facebook page, where we’ll keep you up to date with what’s going on here in Sea Isle City year-round.

Again, thanks for reading, and thanks, too, for supporting all of our local businesses that have worked so hard to help make the summer of ’22 a great one.

Until we meet again, stay safe and stay well.

Monica Coskey
Publisher & Editor
Sea Isle Times


Hallmark of Excellence


10 Years of Good Turns